
Tamron announces 15x zoom lens for Nikon, Canon DSLRs

The 15x number may be regularly tossed around these days when it comes to point-and-shoot cameras, but it has been uncharted territory for DSLRs, at least until Tamron's new ultra zoom lens here made its first appearance yesterday. Apparently the first lens of its kind, the AF18-270MM Di II VC covers the 35mm equivalent range of 28mm to 419mm, and does so with the aid of Tamron's proprietary tri-axial Vibration Compensation (or VC) mechanism, which promises to eliminate or substantially reduce the effects of camera shake. Unfortunately, while Tamron was understandably keen to show of its handiwork as quickly as possible, it's not as forthcoming with any word of a price or release date, although it does assure us that the lens will be available in both Canon and Nikon mounts whenever it is actually released.
