
Breakfast Topic: How do you feel about Wrath so far?

A lot of changes have gone into Wrath of the Lich King since we last asked this question, so what do you think of Wrath thus far? Has some of your pessimism melted away? Has your optimism melted away? Just plain don't care until you have the finished product in your hands?

Personally, I'm mostly optimistic. Being in the beta is very exciting, and let me tell ya, the zones and quests are blowing my mind. Unfortunately, my preferred class/spec is not turning out to be as grand as the changes originally made it sound. Heck, they changed their mind about giving Mind Flay a 30 yard range. The short range on that thing still doesn't make sense to, oh... anybody in the entire freaking world. That's alright though, I'm still having a ton of fun with my Shadow Priest and they're not done with class changes quite yet, nowhere close. I remain optimistic.

Honestly, with eye candy like this, I'm not sure how you can be completely down in the dumps about the upcoming expansion. There's way too many new things and far too much exciting content to throw a tantrum over pitfalls of my class right now. Maybe I'll do that later, but for now I'm pretty darn happy.