
LucasArts hiring testers for extra-super-secret MMO

At this point, we think it's pretty safe to call BioWare's KOTOR MMO the absolute worst-kept secret in gaming. After all, the game was all but announced during E3. (That's when EA boss John Riccitiello confirmed it was in the works, you see.) Now comes word that LucasArts is hiring testers with MMO experience. Hmmm.

Specifically, the job posting states that candidates will "test MMO games for bugs" and "strive to help make a competitive MMO." Really, now? It's something listed under the job requirements that has stirred up some intrigue, though. In order to get the testing gig, applicants must have "strong familiarity and experience with gaming consoles and Windows based PCs." So, the KOTOR MMO is multi-platform? Oh, you crazy secret-keepers.

[ via Massively]