
One Shots: Halcyon and on and on

The pounding music, the dancing bodies - nightlife in The Matrix Online is a whole other world. Today's One Shots comes to us from Michael V, who recently attended a server-wide dev party in MxO; a gorgeous, sleek game we don't get to see nearly enough of. Michael writes in:

This screenshot is from Microgigs of the Syntax server from The Matrix Online. This was a dev-sponsored party in the club the Sanguine Room in the Moriah Projects district. Treats were handed out, a costume contest was held, and the Live Event character the Effectuator showed up and turned people into ninjas.

Do you have any screenshots from a GM or Dev event in your favorite game that you'd like to share with us? Perhaps you play a game we don't spotlight very often and you'd like to show off some of the cool things you've experienced. Whatever your reason, we'd love to see your screenshots! Just send them to use here at oneshots AT along with a brief description of what we're seeing in the image. We'll take care of the rest.