
A LotRO chicken's adventure in Forochel

What's so great about a chicken running around the snowy lands of Forochel? Well, if you're even a moderate Lord of the Rings Online player, you're aware of what Chicken Play is, and how advanced the Forochel area is. Put the two together and you'll realize that running a chicken with 64 Morale all the way from The Shire to the icy Suri Kyla while keeping all your nuggets intact is quite an amazing feat.

Not only that, but the player who did this realized that the instant icy death that happens to players when they enter the water around Forochel doesn't affect you while in Chicken Play, so they were able to explore some areas that perhaps have never been seen before. Check out the entire recap in the LotRO forums, complete with loads of screenshots to document this accomplishment.