
Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball on XBLA starting Sept. 3

Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball developer Blazing Lizard announced today it expects the title to release September 3 on XBLA for 800 MS points ($10). If short-term memory is kicking in, that date for an XBLA release probably sounds familiar because omni-directional shooter Shred Nebula will apparently release the same day.

Blazing Lizard's Studio Director Chris Stockman tells us PvN will feature two variations on dodgeball. Traditional: Where old-school rules apply and players can't cross the line. Then there's Enhanced: Players will have special moves for the four races in a crazy free-for-all. The four initial races in the game are Pirates, Ninjas, Zombies and Robots -- an additional group (we're guessing Aliens) will be available as DLC a month later.

[Via X3F]