
Exploring Middle-earth: Fashat Laug

The lore aspect of Lord of the Rings Online is extremely important, as the game is centered around one of the most popular and influential works of fantasy fiction of all time. This makes the game's own storyline and lore a challenge for the game developer's writers to not only stick to the script, so to speak, but also be able to flesh out the story into a playable environment that is accessible and explorable to hundreds of thousands of players 24/7.

Case in point: the newest entry of Codemasters' Exploring Middle-earth focuses on Fashat Laug, the war-camp established by the Earth-kin, near the ruins of Ost Crithlanc. In this story, we get some background into how the camp was settled by the first Hunter of the Suuri-lehma tribe, and how it eventually evolved into the new tribe known as the Rauta-lehma. If you're interested in learning more about the development of the Earth-kin tribe, check out this piece of lore on the LotRO Europe website.