
Loot from the Galaxy Far, Far Away: Great Hyperspace War Bas-Relief

All week we've been highlighting a series of loot cards for the soon-to-be-released Champions of the Force trading card game, and this blogger thinks we've saved the best for last. Champions is based on the SOE MMO Star Wars Galaxies, but this newest loot card goes way, way back to a time long before the Rebellion and Empire. The folks at SOE and LucasArts were nice enough to work with us to offer you a card-a-day all week, and we've had some good ones so far. We've taken a look at the Gungan Vendor, the Mechano-Chair, the Jedi Crest, and then (yesterday) the XJ-2 Airspeeder. Today's card, the last for our preview week, is another art object for your player housing. But whan an object!

It's a massive bas-relief carving depicting the Great Hyperspace War between the Republic and the forces of the Sith Empire. This is an ancient conflict, one that really contextualizes the age of the Republic; it took place some 20,000 years after the founding of that august body, and some 1,000 years before the Great Sith War depicted in Knights of the Old Republic. The Great Hyperspace War took place between the Republic and the Sith Empire at the height of its power. The Republic may have even been felled, if not for internicine fighting between the Sith Lords Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh over the planet Korriban. Click through to see the loot card depicting this ancient conflict, a work not unlike one owned by the Emperor himself ...