
New Age of Conan screenshots show upcoming free content

It's a good day for visual treats if you're an Age of Conan fan. On the heels of the tasty and cryptic concept art from earlier today come a set of 17 screenshots illustrating coming free content, courtesy of

Some of these are clearly identifiable as shots of the new zone, Ymir's Pass, which features the Wheel of Pain straight out of the original Conan movie. Ymir himself, the eponymous frost giant of the Robert E. Howard tale The Frost Giant's Daughter, also looks like he's been caught on camera. We also get to see work-in-progress shots of the Tarantia Commons region.

AoC developer Erling Ellingson has already spoken at length about Ymir's Pass, which as a level 55+ zone should add some important crunchy content to keep high-level players interested. The original guess at a live date - 'I don't want to put a date on it, but I think we'll see Ymir's pass live in August' - now looks a bit ambitious, but we'll still be glad to see more content added. Keira fans should be especially happy to see her in-game as a quest NPC. By the look of it, some new armor designs are around, too.