
Free Realms video walkthrough shows off unique casual play

People are getting excited about Sony Online Entertainment's (SOE) upcoming Free Realms. Some think it's going to be 'the next big thing' while others remain skeptical that Free Realms will appeal to gamer demographics outside of parents and young children. It's way too soon to judge how well Free Realms will catch on, but the video previews being released of late show off what looks to be a very polished game experience.

The latest Free Realms footage comes from Eurogamer, who've gotten their hands on 10 minutes of walkthrough video. The walkthrough shows how you can change classes at will, either because you simply feel like it or to better suit the task you're trying to complete. The video shows the system of leveling up wearables, and how combat isn't needed to level at all; there are always other options available to suit different ages and playstyles. If you've been looking for a different kind of casual MMO, you may want to have a look at Eurogamer's walkthrough of Free Realms.