
GC 2008: Prince of Persia learns new move, is basically Spider-Man

"Prince of Persia, Prince of Persia ... does whatever a Prince of Persia can." Oh wait – that's the Spider-Man song. Well, it's easy to get the two characters confused, what with news out of Leipzig by way of Eurogamer that his royal majesty, the Prince of Persia, can add running along ceilings to his move repertoire.

Using this new "roof run" move, he can scamper along, grabbing hanging objects in order to keep the momentum going. According to level designer Michael MacIntyre, "When you come in contact with the ceiling you jump, you do the run, and then you have to hit the glove button to grab any element on the roof in order to keep going. So there's a rhythm to it," adding, "With this new move, our level designers had all the tools they needed to create acrobatic sequences that can use pretty much every surface in the game." Every surface? We're pretty sure there's some nasty black goo you can't touch without, you know, dying. At least that's what the video walkthrough we posted yesterday seems to show.