
Video of Warhammer Online's /special emotes pt. 3

Video of Warhammer Online's /special emotes pt. 3

The Empire /special

This is the special used for all three Empire classes: Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, and Warrior Priest. We imagine eventually that talking hand is going to be covered by a puppet ... maybe? It looks like the character is taking something out of his pocket, but we can't be sure. We hope that additional specials highlight the intrinsic weirdness of some of the Empire classes; if our Bright Wizard /special doesn't set us on fire, I don't know what will!

The Dwarven /special

The Dwarves are a comptemplative lot, apparently. All three classes (the Engineer, the Ironbreaker, and the Rune Priest) currently use this pipe-smoking emote. We're thinking the Engie at least needs something more evocative. Maybe a nice "say hello to my little friend" moment with a handy turret? We're just saying ...

The High Elf /special

Right now the elves are missing their mirror, but you get the idea. We think the White Lion class definitely deserves it's own emote; we'd put money on something awesome like braiding the kitty's hair, or petting the giant man-eating death machine petitely on its head.

Obviously not all of the /special emotes are in the game yet, but they still have some time before launch to get them in. Others aren't finished, but those will take even less effort to to get them finished an into the game world. We hope you've enjoyed this unique look at one of Warhammer's special features!


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