
Addon Spotlight: Minimalist

Welcome to this week's Addon Spotlight, where I'm going to pay tribute to your feedback by giving an official thank-you to you all for turning me on to Minimalist. Basically, this addon does everything I've been using multiple addons to accomplish in one simple package, with a memory footprint even Tekkub would be proud of. (I think, he gets pretty fired up about wasted resources.)

Alright, back to Minimalist, the addon that makes a bunch of little adjustments, helping to clean up the some-times cluttered default UI. It provides a way to automate some simple commands and remove some unwanted knick-knacks. (Actionbar chickens, begone!) The good news is that this is an Ace addon and there is already a Wrath-compliant version for those of you in the Beta.

To access the menu, you'll need to use the following slash command:

  • /min

This will open a drop-down, FuBar-type menu on your screen, which you can use to toggle the numerous functions. Ever the lazy efficient writer, I'm going to quote the description found on the WoWAce Wiki.

"Minimalist is an attempt to replace CT_Mastermod that has grown to be more than CT_Mastermod. Basically it is a collection of miscellaneous UI tweaks and automations for building a minimal UI with minimal addons or using as the core of a compilation. Options include (but are not limited to):


  • Auto-Ignore Duels - As it says, auto ignores duel requests.

  • Auto-Repair - Similar to DurabilityFU

  • Auto-Resurrect - Automatically accepts Resurrections.

  • Auto-Sell Grey Items - Similar to Auto-Profit, though you cannot add new items, that I am aware of.

  • Auto-Skip Useless Gossips - Skips 'extra' vendor chatter and goes right to the sell screen.

  • Smart Taxi - Bypasses taxi chat box, auto dismounts and un-shifts druids.


  • Better Reputation - Displays reputation numbers on the reputation window, and displays progress, when you are awarded reputation, in the chat box.

  • Disable Gryphons - Removes the Gryphon graphic from Default action bars.

  • Display Quest Levels - Displays quest levels.

  • Fixed Inspect - Removes the distance checking on inspect.

  • Honor Progress Percent - Shows % on honor progression.


  • Fix Arrow Keys - Lets your use [Left] and [Right] to move through the text you are typing needing to hold down the [Alt] key.

  • Hide Buttons - Hides the buttons on the chat windows

  • Move Input Box - Moves the chat input box to the top of the chat frame

  • Mouse Scrolling - Enables using the mouse wheel to scroll chat frames.

  • Reduce Chat Clutter - Shortens chat channel names, IE. [Guild] becomes (G), [Party] becomes (P), etc.

  • Time Stamps - Adds a time stamp to messages.


  • Hide Clutter - Turns off the zoom in/out buttons, titles box and the sun dial.

  • Location X, Y - Adds your X, Y coordinates to the lower portion of the minimap.

  • MouseWheel Zoom - Allows you to use the mouse wheel to zoom the minimap."

That's a lot of great stuff, especially if you're like me and don't need much more than some free space to work with on the screen. The version I'm currently using doesn't appear to have the Honor Progress Percent or Fixed Inspect features, but they could very well be hidden somewhere waiting for me to discover them.

I would check this out if you're looking for an addon to make some minor adjustmetns for a minimal cost in memory. You'll forgive me for the lackluster feature this week, I've just returned from an unannounced hiatus to the Grand Tetons and I'm working on a lengthy feature on Dual-boxing on a Mac. So, check in next week for some Recruit-A-Multiboxer love. Dismissed!