
The week in Massively features

The Hyborian Backpackers' guide: Conall's Valley
This week, we present to you the first installment of the Hyborian Backpackers' guide to the zones of Age of Conan. Over the coming weeks, we'll be scouring every nook and cranny of Conan's world to bring you all the sights, quest locations, and notable local characters that make up the areas of AoC.

Massively's state of the game: Warhammer Online beta
Today this blogger has attempted to do the same for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, the fantasy MMO slated for release by EA and Mythic Entertainment on the 18th of September. If anything, Warhammer Online is a title with a more tightly-wound, highly anticipatory audience than Conan was.

The Digital Continuum: Memoirs of a WAR beta tester
In my time interacting as a member of the beta community with Mythic -- concerning Warhammer Online, of course -- I think I've seen more progress made on any MMO in the span of about a year than I have in any other in beta. And I've been in a lot of them.

What you need to know about The Shadow Odyssey
The Shadow Odyssey, EverQuest II's fifth expansion, is not just the usual bump to the level cap, a couple of new raids, and a reset for all the armor you already got. It's none of those things. What SOE has done with this expansion is go through the level 50 to level 80 portion of the game and say, let's make an expansion that has something for pretty much everyone. Let's make an expansion where even if no upgrades drop, you can be working toward some awesome stuff just by playing.

Massively catches up with Dungeons and Dragons Online at Gen Con
Massively dropped in on their show floor booth to see what they had to see and chat about the brand new character creation system coming to the game, as well as upcoming enhancements, including an increased level cap and maybe even a chance to see Khorvaire in DDO.

The Elves of WAR: Meet the Shadow Warrior levels 1-5
Our overview of the High Elf ranged dps career, the Shadow Warrior, may not be enough for you. So here we are with an examination of every skill from level one through five. It's the latest installment of Massively's pre-NDA coverage of Warhammer Online, the Elves of WAR.

EVE Evolved: Setting up your overview, part 1
Since it can often be hard to find or click on something in three dimensional space, EVE Online provides a useful tool called the "overview" to make life easier. The overview window lists objects and ships in your general vicinity and is one of EVE's most important tools for providing situational awareness.

Making/Money: Unlocking More Money
Picture this, if you will - You are in Lord of the Rings Online and have amassed just enough coinage to purchase your first house, a minimum of 950 silver. You have looked through the various neighborhood maps for each of the races to determine where you want to be, taking into consideration the proximity of the housing to a town, the proximity of the house you chose to the gate and the water feature within the neighborhood (for safe fishing right outside your door), and the amount you will have to pay in upkeep. You head to the housing broker of your choice, find a neighborhood that has that house available and purchase it.

The Elves of WAR: White Lion levels 6-10
In the first five levels of this High Elf melee dps career, we got a lion, an axe and an attitude. Time to take it on the road for five more levels and all the new abilities that come with it.

The Elves of WAR: Meet the White Lion, levels 1-5
Earlier in the week we gave you a broad overview of this Warhammer Online class based on our higher level beta experiences. Today, we continue our exclusive pre-NDA look at the Elves of WAR with a look at the White Lion class from the ground up.

News from the Wider MMO World: August 19, 2008
The MMO genre is more than World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, and Warhammer Online. Here's what's going on in the rest of the world.

Gen Con 08: Turbine tells us what's in store for Asheron's Call
At Gen Con, we spoke with Turbine's Andy Cataldo, the Community Manager for Asheron's Call, about the future of this historic game. Cataldo told us a lot about AC's epic 100th update. The update is coming within the next few weeks, and it's a doozy. According to Cataldo, AC players will get a whole new faction system, three land areas to battle over, tons of new loot and spells, and various other improvements to the game, particularly to enemy AI.

Anti-Aliased: Scare tactics
Our MMOs are filled with all sorts of emotions -- the excitement of getting to the next level, the surprise of the item you desperately wanted dropping off of a boss, the intense rush of a player vs. player encounter, and the joy of exploration of these fantastic worlds.

Massively goes to WAR: An overview of Healing careers for Order
If this was any other game, our discussion of the healers of Order would be pretty darn borning. Most MMOs portray healers as nancy boys in dresses or effete tea-sipping high society ladies, content to stand in the back and give a good "here, here!" every once in a while. Sure, they cast a lot of spells and they're always appreciated but ... isn't there something just a bit suspicious about someone who is always in the back row?

Player Consequences: Why We Subscribe
There are many different choices when it comes to picking out a MMO nowadays. The genre is no longer limited to only a handful of games based on old Dungeons and Dragons manuals. Players have the options to pilot spaceships, become a superhero, command a pirate fleet, or even fight aliens as a super soldier. While the classic swords and sorcery setting still defines the MMO genre, it is no longer a requirement for being successful in the market. Yet despite having, dozens of different worlds to choose from players still seem to be limited to only one payment method.

The Digital Continuum: Pondering Star Trek Online
As a kid, I grew up on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Mostly because my parents watched it constantly, but also because I found that I enjoyed the show. Another staple of my nerd-influenced upbringing was a steady diet of Star Trek movies. Since those formative years I've also watched Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5, Voyager and more recently Battlestar Galactica.

Massively's guide to the LotRO vanity pets
If you've ever seen one of those cute little vanity pets running around your Lord of the Rings Online server, following closely to their brave masters as their extreme cuteness contrasts against the bloody screams of battle, you may have been curious as to how they're obtained. That is, besides the Auction Hall, of course.

EVE Visual Guide: Before you undock
There are a few essential things any pilot in EVE Online should do before they undock from a station and get themselves into a potentially hostile situation. Come to think of it, anytime you undock there's at least some chance of hostility. Keeping that in mind, think of this as a visual checklist you should go through before entering space, as you're not only risking your ship, but your skillpoints if you bite off more than you can chew. This happens all too often, to novice and veteran pilots alike in EVE. So to help you avoid this fate...

Ask Massively: Oh great, another "WoW Killer"
Welcome to another week of Ask Massively, where we don't just buy into hype, we devour it with the kind of intensity usually reserved for stoners and Doritos. Since we're a couple of weeks away from the launch of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, I thought it would be good to answer the biggest question on everyone's mind these days.

Check out video of Warhammer Online's /special emotes
n most MMOs, avatars have the opportunity to get down with their bad selves. The /dance emote is a perennial favorite emote, begun in the days of online gaming lore and arguably perfected by World of Warcraft's hilarious pop-culture shout-outs. Warhammer Online is a different sort of animal, though. You don't dance during war, damnit! When this was first announced back in March, people were a bit confused. Is Mythic anti-fun?