
Balance Board Roomba hack floors us

We had two questions upon watching this footage of a Roomba being controlled by a Balance Board:

  1. What the heck is a Roomba?

  2. Why?

Google answered the first for us -- apparently it's a robotic vacuum cleaner or something, which we now want -- while the second is explained to us by hacker "Ron" Tajima. Through endearing Engrish subtitles, we learn that Ron has a dilemma: he wants to surf, but also needs to clean his floors. Hey, happens all the time to us. His solution? Hack the Balance Board so that it controls his Roomba, allowing him to "surf" the Board while also vacuum cleaning his way to lint-free carpets.

We especially like how "Surfin' USA" is played in the background while Ron wobbles away, just to make it really feel like actual surfing.

[Via Balance Board Blog]

Join us in exploring things to do with the Balance Board that aren't

Wii Fit. Walk the world! Drive a car! Weigh a cat!