
This Wednesday: Castle Crashers (finally!) hits XBLA

Well, it's about time. Also: woo! Finished back in May, the colossally anticipated four-player slash-'em-up, Castle Crashers, is set to crash XBL's download servers this Wednesday. We're sure that The Behemoth is happy, gamers are happy, and we can't tell you how happy we are to finally be able to write this particular XBLA Wednesday post.

The act of comically crashing castles will run you 1,200

($15), but from the time we've already spent with the game, it will be worth every last

. So, just about 48 hours until we can get to unlocking those hidden characters. And don't forget, if you've already bought The Behemoth's first XBLA offering, Alien Hominid, you'll get an insta-unlock of ... the Alien Hominid. As Miracle Max might say, "Have fun crashin' da castles!"