
Jagged Alliance DS in development

For most of you, this news won't mean much, but we'd urge you to stick around anyway, just so you can see the look on the others' faces (it'll be worth it): A new Jagged Alliance is in development for DS by Strategy First Inc. and Cypron Studios. Aww, look at the fans lighting up! Look how they're doing that little happy dance around the room! Wasn't it worth it non-fans? Are you glad you stayed?

If you're not familiar with JA, a turn-based tactical action game, it may not be a case of negligence on your part: There hasn't been a real iteration of the series since 1999. But, as we're sure the fans have already told you, it's worth tracking down. We know that Atari's publishing this new entry, but we don't have a release window (sorry, fans). But please, don't stop dancing, it's adorable.