
Joystiq talks with Telltale about Wii and the future

No, they aren't predicting the apocalypse or anything, but their future on the Wii seems almost certain. When asked if SBCG4AP sold more on the PC or Wii, they were quick to note that performance on Nintendo's system beat the PC. How was it to work with Nintendo?

"Working with Nintendo's been pretty good," commented designer Mark Darin. "All the help that Nintendo's been giving us and allowing us the opportunity to be on WiiWare has been great for our company and great for getting titles like SBCG4AP out there to a new audience who maybe isn't used to Adventure games. It's been a great partnership with Nintendo so far." Telltale also goes on to talk about the system's hardware and what challenges that presented, as well as Sam & Max on the console. So be sure to read the full interview over at Joystiq.