
PAX 2008: Family Feud not so family friendly

The 2008 edition of PAX's Family Feud could have easily followed the "Sex and Violence in Video Games" panel, because it too had a healthy dose of sex and violence. Really, PAX Family Feud (or should we say Family Freud?) could best be described with three adjectives: entertaining; intense; and overly sexual. As attendees clapped to the Feud's theme song music, both teams (sans Joystiq readers, for shame!) answered questions ranging from, "Name a power-up used by Mario," (yay for fire flower!) to "What's your favorite Penny Arcade character?" Fruit "lover" got our vote.

Everything was quite tame, albeit a bit verbally violent as the show's host received constant heckling from the audience due to his sometimes ... questionable hosting abilities. But then things turned towards sex, sex, sex when Feud players were asked, "What do you do when the electricity goes out at home?" We thought it to be an innocent enough question, but then we remembered that PAX attendees answered the questions. As a result, things got interesting.

Suddenly, within mere moments after the "lights out" question was asked, the audience spewed sexual answer suggestions to both Feud teams in some sort of a hormonal fury. Gone was the Feud's "E for Everyone" rating -- this was an "M for Mature" event. The best part? Both Feud teams took the audience's sexual suggestions and actually got the survey question right! Turns out some 6% of PAX attendees decide to have sexual intercourse when the electricity goes out while around 3% answered, "Pleasure yourself." All we can say is that it was a bad good thing that the Penny Arcade Expo didn't blow any fuses throughout our weekend stay.