
Mirror's Edge receiving 'exclusive' DLC on PS3

While dismissing reports of timed PlayStation 3 exclusivity, EA has revealed that its run-jump-and-climb-em-up Mirror's Edge did cut an "exclusive marketing agreement" with the folks at Sony. Elaborating further, an EA spokesman told Eurogamer, "Exclusive downloadable content will be offered on the PlayStation Network."Ah, but that's not the same as offering downloadable content exclusively, now is it?

As we've all come to learn, the industry's use of the word "exclusive" is about as persistent as a piece of cotton candy in your mouth. For all we know (which, admittedly, isn't a lot), the Xbox 360 and PC versions of Mirror's Edge could be receiving their own "exclusive" downloadable bits. Probably some designer gloves and elbow pads for our squirrely protagonist.

[Via PS3 Fanboy]