
One Shots: Tursh at dusk

Today's One Shots comes to us from Ryan N, who has recently rediscovered Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. He sent along a nice long description, so we'll let Ryan take the floor: I re-activated my Vanguard account over the long weekend after I found a spare SOE timecard lying around my closet (sweet find, eh?) and forgot just how amazing the game looks. This screenshot is of my young level 8 Pally looking over the starting village of Tursh at dusk.

My new PC can run the game at max settings and I've concluded that there is no other game on the market (not even Conan) that can compete with Vanguard in terms of visual design and sheer graphical technology. The recent patches have improved an already underrated gaming experience by leaps and bounds. Let's hope Sony pushes the free trial out of the door soon so more people can experience it.

Free time-card finds are always sweet, but free trials are tasty too! We'll second the hope that SOE will open up Vanguard for a trial, considering how well the Living Legacy promotion seems to have gone. Even so, we're glad to see games that we don't often see. If you play a game we don't often see, why not send those in to us here at oneshots AT All MMOs are welcome!