
Symbian shares, collect 'em all: Samsung agrees to flip its stake to Nokia

So it turns out that Nokia may have been just a little presumptuous in its June announcement that it was buying the entirety of Symbian in its effort to open-source it. The press release's headline back then proudly proclaimed "Nokia to acquire Symbian Limited to enable evolution of the leading open mobile platform," but in reality, Nokia had only gotten firm commitments representing 91 percent of Symbian's outstanding shares in total at the time; Samsung hadn't yet agreed to the sale. Espoo merely said at the time that it "expected" a deal to happen there -- and now it finally has, giving Nokia the clean sweep it needs to make its Symbian Foundation dreams reality. It'll still be a good while yet before we see Foundation hardware at retail, but at least these guys can go about their business now without a nagging feeling that Sammy could be the party buzzkill.

[Via Phone Scoop]