
Turbine opens dynamic forum sigs for LotRO players

The integration from game client to browser-based media is becoming more popular and accessible these days, so Turbine decided to implement a recent update to their Lord of the Rings Online account-linked forum sigs for all players. Any LotRO player can now generate a graphical signature with information about any of their characters over level five. This is for characters on any server, PvE and PvMP characters included.

This is very similar to browser-based character information available in other games, but of course there are some limitations currently. The portrait displayed in the sig is a general representation of race and gender only, so at the moment, it's not highly customizable. Also, there's a known issue regarding officer and member ranks not displaying correctly. It seems like this could be a step in the right direction towards getting more detailed character or kinship information in a web-based format, much like we have already in World of Warcraft, Dungeon Runners and more.