
Tasks in the cloud: VITO Technology's Task2Gather

Task2Gather from VITO Technology

Another big PDA developer has made the jump to iPhone, with longtime Windows Mobile developer VITO Technology announcing their first product for the Apple platform -- Task2Gather.

It's a task manager with a difference. Task2Gather stores all of your tasks "in the cloud", where they're not only accessible from your iPhone, but also from any web browser. The VITO Technology folks describe this functionality by saying that your wife can update your shopping list while you're at the store.

An upcoming paid subscription version of the application will provide reports, file attachments, advanced security, and more. For project teams, this would have some real utility for sharing and assigning tasks, and making project documents available on the run. Task2Gather is available in the App Store now (click opens iTunes) for $4.99.

If any of our readers have already tried Task2Gather, leave us a note in the comments to tell us about your experience.