
One Shots: Bordinar's Cleft

Sometimes, in our adventures, there are places you come to that make you stop and stare. This particular One Shot is no exception; definitely an imposing sight when viewed at a distance. Korvin sent in this lovely view taken from Vanguard: Saga of Heroes along with the following note:

[This is the] last bastion of the dwarven race on Thestra. Bordinar's Cleft is a city formed in a canyon in the Widow's Veil Mountains and home to the Dwarves of Thestra. Keith Parkinson (the art director for Vanguard) said he "had envisioned that the dwarves had not so much "built" the city as much as they burrowed into the mountain and 'sculpted' the city. [He] chose the classical architectural style and loosely blended elements of Celtic decor and iconography."

If you've run across a castle, fortress, town, landscape, or other portion of your favorite game that just made you stop and say "cool" we want to see a screenshot of it! One Shots is all about what players from around the world are doing in their favorite games. If you've been thinking about sending in a screen, there's no time like the present to contribute! Just mail those to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with a quick description and whatever you'd like to be called. We'll post it up and give you the credit for taking the great screenshot.