
BigDownload has 'Ten Reasons to Avoid Spore'

Ten reasons to read "Ten Reasons to Avoid Spore", a recent feature on BigDownload:

  1. Because you want to read an even-handed look at the game's flaws before deciding whether or not it's worth a purchase.

  2. Because it's presented in visually pleasing Gallery-o-vision.

  3. Because you're Will Wright, and you enjoy criticizing your latest game's criticisms.

  4. Because it was written by gaming industry newcomer, Perez Hilton.

  5. Because BigDownload is totally wrong and you can't wait to inform them of this in their comments.

  6. Because you've already installed and removed the game three times, so you've got nothing better to do.

  7. Because we were joking about it being written by Perez Hilton.

  8. Because it has pictures. Big, beautiful pictures.

  9. Because we asked you very nicely to read it, and it's our birthday.

  10. Because you appreciate literature that criticizes a game you believe was crafted by Beelzebub.

Gallery: 10 Reasons to Avoid Spore

Overly Restrictive DRM
One account per game
A mile wide but an inch deep
No Diversity
4 out of 5 stages unneeded