
The week in Massively features

A World of Warcraft player's guide to Warhammer Online
Whether or not you see many similarities between Blizzard's epically popular title and Mythic's Warhammer Online, the reality is that World of Warcraft players are going to feel very comfortable in the brand-new game. Much of the framework that has made the world of Azeroth so successful over the last four years is in full force within Warhammer. Questing as a central component to leveling, an intuitive user interface, and combat very much like that found in Warcraft are all going to be great handrails to incoming players.

The newest Guild Wars companions explained
With the recent news of two new allies joining the fray for Guild Wars, you may be excited about the new game mechanics that both the M.O.X. hero and the Fire Imp helper bring to the game. We may even go so far as to say that these game mechanics could be a glimpse into what's to come with Guild Wars 2 game mechanics. ArenaNet has already said that there will be a 'sidekick' in Guild Wars 2, but is the Fire Imp a precursor to that?

First Impressions: Ryzom
Officially called just Ryzom now, the MMO previously called The Saga of Ryzom is back from a brief hiatus. Featuring amazing design aesthetics,this game has its own unique style. Despite the fact that it was developed by a French studio, the English translations read, in many ways, better than some native American titles. We spent a couple of hours playing Ryzom, and here are our First Impressions. Remember, this is not a guide of any sort; this is merely our experience in dropping into a new title.

A walking tour of EverQuest 2's new Veksar dungeon
As we've done in the past with new updates to EverQuest II, we recently had the chance to go on a walking tour of the brand new Veksar Invasion dungeon. Just as with our looks at the Shard of Hate, GU 47, and GU 45, we were able to go deep inside the new content to get a sense of what's new and interesting about the game. Regardless level or interests, EverQuest II Game Update 48 has something fantastic for every player.

What you might have missed in the new Warhammer Beta!
As we mentioned last week in our rundown of the newest preview+ patch notes, the full patch notes for Warhammer Online Beta Patch 4.1 are under NDA. That said, there is just a ton of new stuff that you might have missed between the end of the last Beta cycle and now. We're not going to temp Mythic's ire by laying out the notes for you, but we do want to make sure you know about all the cool new features and changes that have gone into the game.

Get to the Chaos capital, Mt. Bloodhorn, Blighted Isle, or Norsca at level 1
You've jumped into Warhammer Online, and you're ready to go. You've picked your terror-inducing class and you're happy with your class's vile mechanics ... but perhaps you don't want to play in your race's assigned tiers. You're a Chaos Warrior that wants to bash some stunty heads, maybe, or a Greenskin with a taste for human flesh.

How to get to Altdorf, Ekrund, the Blighted Isle, or Nordland at level 1
You've jumped into Warhammer Online, and you're ready to go. You've picked your class and you're happy with your class mechanics ... but perhaps you don't want to play in your race's assigned tiers. Or maybe you just want to head to the mighty human city of Altdorf.

EVE Evolved: Electronic warfare, part 1
Whether you're taking part in faction warfare, pirating, fighting a dirty corporate war or defending your homeland in 0.0, chances are you'll be engaging in a lot of fleet warfare. Although a lot of newer fleet commanders prefer all fleet members to be in ships that deal a lot of damage, the optimum setup makes better use of a variety of ship types.

Making/Money: Conservation of Mass - Part 1
This is the first in a series of articles theorizing on what a virtual economic system that had a finite number of resources might be like. I would like to impress upon you that everything expressed here is hypothetical. As far as I am aware at this time, there are no games currently being made with a system like this. Also, this is only one potential way that it could be done.

News From the Wider MMO World: September 9, 2008
The MMO genre is more than World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, and Warhammer Online. Here's what's going on in the rest of the world.

Massively Speaking Podcast Episode 22
Massively Speaking Episode 22 delves deep in the last week's worth of MMO news! Join Massively's Shawn Schuster, Samuel Axon, and Michael Zenke as they explore the length and breadth of a busy week in the massively multiplayer world. Discussion ranges from WAR to EverQuest 2 patches, back to WAR and on to the launch of Wizard 101.

Meta-review: Warhammer Online
We've been talking pretty much constantly about Warhammer Online for a few months now, and launch is less than a week away. At this point, there's only one question left: Should you buy it? Beta-based viewpoints have begun to trickle in across the internet, to the point where we can put together a meta-review that will hold together.

The Digital Continuum: The calm before the WAR storm
Do you know where your developers are tonight? Chances are the guys and gals over at Mythic Entertainment are busy scrambling to triple-check everything for the second time today. Meanwhile, the rest of us are awaiting one of three "launch" days with bated breath. Many of you are probably waiting for Tuesday, when the general pre-orders get to join the head start. However for a lot of players day one is coming tomorrow.