
Why PvE to PvP transfers are a good thing for World of Warcraft

Lume the Mad has constructed a deep look at Blizzard's decision to allow transfers from PvE to PvP servers and why it's good for World of Warcraft players. For those who'd rather not read the whole thing, here's a summarized version: There are going to be some economic and social hiccups, yes, but the bonuses will far outweigh the minuses. The whole thing allows for bigger recruitment pool, more friends playing with friends and an overall improved ability for everyone to take risks.

We're inclined to agree with Mr. Mad's take on the whole situation. It'll be an interesting stretch into 2009 for World of Warcraft players between this change and the upcoming Wrath of the Lich King expansion. At least everyone should be able to play with all their friends for Wrath and something like that is always a very good thing.