
VC Tuesday: Storage space invaders

This week, Japanese gamers can spend 800 Wii Points to make their Wii pretend to be a Super Famicom pretending to be a circa-1978, 8080-based arcade board. How meta! Despite the outrageous antiquity of Space Invaders, it remains fun to play, and that infernal soundtrack climbs into the brain like those disgusting worm things from Star Trek II, but in kind of a good way. In any case, The Original Game is more of a remake than a port, with a new 2-player mode accompanying a faithful recreation.

Also on the VC: Falcom's side-scrolling ARPG Sorcerian and Taito's adorable Bobble-like platformer Liquid Kids.

On WiiWare, an educational storybook game for kids about a kind of Japanese mythological creature. That eats children.