
One Shots: Kojan moonlight

While our screenshots have taken a darker turn lately, this one isn't from the game everyone has come to associate with that word. This lovely screenshot comes to us from Rufus, who snapped this while out adventuring recently in Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. In the foreground, we can see his Raki enjoying a peaceful moment with the beauty of Kojan laid out behind him in the silvery moonlight. Of course, with the Isle of Dawn having recently come in Vanguard's update 6, we're hoping to see some free trial love open up soon ourselves.

Have you snapped some screenshots in a world we don't see that often? Perhaps you'd like to show off how cool your game is so that more people will come try it out? We're here to help you! Just send in those screenshots from your favorite game along with your name and a brief description of the screens to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com. We'll post them up for everyone to look at, and give you the credit for having the good "photographic" eye.