
MLB Stickball coming to XBLA

If you like movies, you know that children of America used to occupy their free time with exactly two activities in olden days. Assuming that "Charles Barkley's Shut Up and Spin A Metal Circle Down the Street With a Stick" will never be released, we'll have to make do with MLB Stickball, coming to XBLA from 2K, for all our short-pants, turn-of-the-century American fantasies.

The multiplayer game features several different cities like New York and Boston, interactive environments and collectible packs of Topps baseball cards that, when opened, supply new members to the game's teams, which even we have to admit is a pretty adorable idea. Look for this "Game We're Most Surprised Isn't on Wii Award" contender on Oct. 8.

[Via X3F]