
Shawn Elliot leaves 1UP, GFW Radio

Remember when the Podcast Rodeo told you that GFW Radio, The Brodeo, would continue to soldier on in the absence of fearless leader Jeff Green? It would seem that we were lying. Though it probably could have withstood the dissolution of its magazine and the loss of Green, the departure of Shawn Elliot was apparently more than it could handle. Our favorite philosophizing, rap master game journalist announced yesterday that he was leaving 1UP for 2K Boston (as if we needed another reason to creepy stalk poor KennyL). The final episode of GFW Radio is up now.

Elliot joins a list of recently departed 1UP staffers that has become too long for us to remember. He'll be associate producing a mystery project at the 2K Boston: great news for the "us" two years from now, but absolutely bad news for us today. See you later, boss. Give Ken a back rub for us.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in.]