
WRUP: G.O.A.T. Edition

We've all decided that this whole Joystiq thing may not be for us (and unlike the last time, we're totally serious now). Thanks to the Fallout 3 G.O.A.T. exam, we know exactly what we'll be doing with our future selves. Oh, and here's what we'll be playing this weekend. Be sure to let us know what games will be occupying your time!

  • Alexander Sliwinski: The GOAT tells me I'm a "Fry Cook." Coincidentally, I like making fried food. Anyway, this weekend I'll be playing Infinite Undiscovery, Company of Heroes and seeing if I can get the hang of Civ IV: Colonization.

  • Christopher Grant: This Vault Chaplain will spend the weekend helping others, as is my want. I'm at my sister's new house helping her fix the place up. Some sheetrock; some trimwork; some demolition; good times. I've brought my good friend Professor Layton along to pitch in with sage advice at opportune times: "Every puzzle has an answer." When I return back home I'll be repenting for my sins ... namely the sin of not having played Beyond Good & Evil earlier! Just a few hours in, BG&E has already revealed itself to be one of the best games I've played in the last couple years.

  • Griffin McElroy: According to the GOAT, I'm the Vault Chaplain. While not attempting to save some post-apocalyptic souls, I wager I'll be spending this weekend as I likely will spend most from now on -- playing Rock Band 2 with the roommate. Unfortunately, on more than a few occasions, the drum part of "Aqualung" has made me lose my religion (an activity not befitting a man of the cloth such as myself).

  • Kevin Kelly: I'm playing in traffic, for the most part. Plus I'll be visiting the Arcade UFO in Austin, TX to get some quarter-licious gaming on. Oh, and GOAT tells me I'm a Clinical Test Subject.

  • Kyle Orland: This Waste Management Specialist is taking out the trash... all the way to Maryland, where he's paying his family and friends a visit this weekend. My sister and mom both really want to try out with Wii Fit, so it seems that's what I'm going to be forced to play all weekend.

  • James Ransom-Wiley: This PIP-Boy Programmer is considering a new career. In the meantime, he'll find some time this weekend to accept the 5¢ trade-in value for the original Rock Band at GameStop -- at least it's something toward Rock Band 2, right?

  • Jason Dobson: GOAT says I'm a Pedicurist, who knew? Now that I'm with consoles again (unboxed!), this weekend will be spent lacing up and taping my virtual stick as I hit the ice in NHL 09. It may be the only way I ever get to see the Buffalo Sabres lift Lord Stanley, after all.

  • Justin McElroy: This Pedicurist is going to be enjoying some Warhammer Online, with occasional breaks for Force Unleashed. Or at least, that's what I would be playing if I played video games on the weekends, instead of doing what you all should be doing: Partying hard. Like, Andrew WK hard.

  • Ludwig Kietzmann: With the Prince of Persia trilogy behind me (much like my career as a Clinical Test Subject), I imagine this weekend will be dedicated to finding the answers to Eternal Sonata's mysteries -- chief of which is, "Why am I still playing this?" If I can break the level-up cycle, I'll almost certainly be giving Tomb Raider: Legend yet another replay. Gotta be prepared for Underworld!

  • Randy Nelson: When I'm not busy with my work as a PIP-Boy Programmer, I'll be hacking my way through The Force Unleashed with an elegant weapon (though not a very elegant camera) for a more civilized time. Then it's time to get up-to-speed – quite literally – with the Burnout Bikes expansion. Vroom!

  • Ross Miller: The Fry Cook inside me (wow, that sounds awkward) will be making up on hours of missing sleep. If I do have any energy this weekend, I will be overcoming the mid-chorus fill in the expert drums of "Everlong" for Rock Band 2. Once I master that, I will have the whole song and feel an overwhelming sence of silly pride.