
Zelda theme played during Malaysian PS3 launch

In case you guys didn't know, Sony just launched the PS3 in the Southeastern Asian country of Malaysia this past weekend. Ah, but that's not even the intriguing part of this story. When managing director of Sony Malaysia Naoi Sudo ascended onto the stage, a rather familiar tune began to play. No, it couldn't be!

Oh, but yes it is! The iconic theme song that every video game player should know -- the theme to the Zelda games by Nintendo, can clearly be heard. We have no idea how this happened, perhaps the sound person had a hard night of partying beforehand. This isn't exactly the end of the world for Sony, but it certainly is humiliating for the company that a Youtube user managed to capture the moment in a grainy video, which is available for you right after the jump.

[Via NWF]