
Mythic Entertainment to work with IGDA on credit attribution for Warhammer

Late last month, before Warhammer had even launched, there was a minor dustup between the International Game Developer's Association and Mythic Entertainment. Mythic claimed that the sheer number of people who had worked on the game made proper accreditation impossible, and would only be recognizing the people on the project when the game launched. IGDA responded via its newsletter that it found that disrespectful to the people who had previously worked on the game, and took Mythic GM Mark Jacobs to task for the oversight. We've since noted the release of the Warhammer credits video to the game's official website.

Though Mythic hasn't made a formal announcement to this effect, IGDA has announced that the EA subsidiary will be taking pains to recognize everyone who has worked on the project. Furthermore, Mythic will take pains to create an online database tracking credits for titles under their control. Mark Jacobs will even work with the organization to help them understand the issues inherent to MMO development. Mr. Jacobs expands on this announcement in a post to his personal blog.

At the end of the day, we're just glad everyone is getting the nod they richly deserve.
[Via Broken Toys]