
Report: Molyneux "ambitious" for day one online co-op [Update]

Update: In an interview with Videogaming247 Molyneux said he is "ambitious" for a day one patch but cannot confirm it will make day-one. The legendary designer did say the process is going well and that the team is close to a solution. The original post and original keynote information is availabe below which cited Molyneux had denied the delay.

According to French gaming site Game Focus, Lionhead CEO Peter Molyneux has denied recent reports that his upcoming role-playing title Fable 2 will not include online co-op at launch. Molyneux batted down the recent news during a keynote at the Festival du Jeu Vidéo (Video Game Festival) in Paris, yesterday. Late last week the Microsoft operated GamerScore Blog announced the "no online co-op" news to gamers, suggesting the mode could be added within a week of launch. GSB apologized for the absence and even quoted unnamed employees of Lionhead Studios, thanking fans for their patience and understanding. So, what happened?

There are three possible solutions to this equation: Microsoft and Lionhead had a miscommunication and the mode will be made available, Lionhead knows the mode is ready to go for launch or Molyneux is sure the European launch of Fable 2 will land at the same time as the update. Fable 2 is set to launch in North America on October 21 and in Europe on October 24 so he may be citing that date specifically. Considering the title has already gone gold and the mode is in question we're sure it isn't available on the disc and, regardless of time frame, will only be available via auto update. Microsoft has yet to respond for our request to comment on the matter.