
One Shots: I'm a monster. Rawr!

It's the attack of the 50-foot Chaos female! Okay, okay, not really. This is actually one of those easter eggs we mentioned the other day, which appears to show off a wee teeny little Empire village. Today's One Shot comes to us from Snacky, who is playing on the server Sylvania. Snacky has managed to find both the moon easter egg and this one -- along with another one in Warhammer Online that we'll be posting in the next few days. We're still amused that you can get a title for clicking on yourself a hundred times, so WAR having extra 'eggs' doesn't surprise us at all.

If you've found something out of the way in your favorite game, strange, unusual, or interesting, we'd love to see it! Just send your screenshots to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name/server/guild and a quick description. We'll post them up here for everyone to puzzle out just how you got there. (Of course, you could tell us, but that's optional.)