
Mythic addresses Waaagh, naked dwarf issue

In the wake of Warhammer Online's launch, Mythic have kept up a stream of information. Today we have Destin Bales, the Live Producer, giving us a rundown of that quintessential WAR ejaculation, Waaagh! 'It's an enthusiastic battle cry, challenging both our enemies on the battlefield and ourselves in the office. It's a howl of frustration when at the last moment some piece of code unexpectedly breaks. It's the sound of a rampaging horde of developers rushing to get to the pizza on a night we have to burn the midnight oil to make sure an update to the game is fully tested and ready to go. It's a sort of unofficial slogan we proudly wear on green t-shirts. Oh, and yeah, apparently some Orcs said it once.'

Destin also drops some intriguing hints about easter eggs, and stuff in game that may as yet remain undiscovered. WAR is notable for being especially rewarding to the 'explorer' kind of player, those who like to roam around for themselves and uncover little oddments of lore. We were drawn to the comment about altars in the Lair of Xaphan, which itself is apparently elusive. 'It might seem odd at first that they don't do anything when you interact with them. Well, that's probably because you haven't found them all yet.' If any of our readers have found them all and can tell us what Destin's hinting at, then please do let us know!

Along with the Dev blog, there have been the anticipated hotfix notes, summarized under the cut.

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The changes listed are pretty minor for the most part, tidying up stray animations and dealing with nuisances like naked dwarfs in Altdorf. (Maybe their clothes were on fire?) The mention of monsters and doors in RvR being fixed should ensure that fortresses take a suitable amount of time to besiege in future. From our own regular play, it seems that hotfixes on an almost daily basis will be Mythic's way forward for the time being, with larger patches more evenly spaced.