
Specs sheet for LG's BD300 Blu-ray / Netflix player slips out

The anticipation is palpable, is it not? For those overly eager to learn more about LG's BD300 -- you know, that BD-Live-enabled Blu-ray player that can also stream Netflix content -- have we something for you. The forthcoming unit's specifications sheet has slipped out a touch early, giving us a few more snippets of information to digest before spending / not spending $350 on this thing in just a few days. Aside from the obvious 1080p BD playback, BD-Live / BonusView support, 7.1-channel audio output and unlimited access to Watch Now material, the deck also includes 1080p DVD upscaling, LG's SimpLink (HDMI-CEC) technology, a USB 2.0 port and a rather plain looking remote. Check out the linked PDF for more -- unless you're cool with being patient. Which you aren't.

[Thanks, Christen]