
One Shots: The Isle awaits

We couldn't have been happier when SOE recently opened up Vanguard: Saga of Heroes for a free-trial period. We'd been looking to do a First Impressions on Vanguard for a while, but were waiting on the trial to open up so others could check it out as well. When we saw this particular screenshot come in to our One Shots mailbox from Luni, we thought the timing was awesome; we're working on our own First Impressions piece now. That said, today's One Shots is all about this great screenshot from Luni, who wrote in: I recently started the psionist half-elf character named Luni in the new Vanguard newbie zone - Isle of Dawn. I have to admit that these newly-created areas are really impressive AND immersive.

Do you play a game we don't often see here? Perhaps you'd like to tip us off to an awesome game that we haven't covered as yet by sending us some tasty screenshots of the game. Whatever your reason, all MMO screenshots are welcome! Just send them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name/server/guild and a quick description of what we're seeing in the image. Who knows? You might see us jumping in your favorite game to check it out.