
Found Footage: Writing your first iPhone application

The removal of the NDA from the iPhone development scene means that a trickle of educational content for would-be developers is rapidly turning into a flood. Xcode instructor extraordinaire Bill Dudney of The Pragmatic Programmers has made a 22 minute video screencast available for those who want to join the elite ranks of beginning iPhone developers.

The free video covers the details of how to start getting acquainted with Xcode and Interface Builder for iPhone development. Dudney actually builds a simple application while guiding viewers through the process of creating an iPhone app.

The video is available at the following URL along with links to several other "pay per view" screencasts sold by The Pragmatic Programmers:

A zipped QuickTime version (.mov format) of the video is here, while a zipped version for iPhone / iPod touch is available for download here.

Bill Dudney is the co-author of iPhone SDK Development and several other development texts. If you want some in-person instruction from Bill to supplement the books and the 'casts, he is teaching a November iPhone programming course in Denver, CO.

Thanks Mike!