
Dem-o-rama: Scene It? Box Office Smash! and World of Goo

We're actually leading with an apology this time on Dem-o-rama. We're sorry about the inclusion of Scene It? Box Office Smash! (now available in demo form on Xbox Live). We know that you probably couldn't care less, and even if you could, we imagine that you could wrap your mind around what the experience will be like without the aid of a demo.

But we have a good excuse! We needed something to pair with the utterly charming World of Goo, which now has a downloadable demo (via BigDownload) that constitutes about one-fifth of the actual game. You should really be playing that now, instead of reading this. Go ahead, we don't mind.

Source -- Demo: Scene It? Box Office Smash!
Download -- World of Goo Demo