
New Metal Gear shirts also good for MGO avatars

Say what now? You want Metal Gear t-shirts, but you only want them if your digital self in Metal Gear Online could have one too? Well then, look no further for Konami is bringing up just that ... in Japan. KonamiStyle is putting three new shirts out on the store in celebration of the new MGO Meme expansion. Along with each tee comes a voucher code which customers can use to download digital versions of the very shirt they've bought and stick it on their MGO characters.

If you're planning to import (if it's even possible), you'll want to know that the shirts costs ¥3,465 ($32) each. However, we're not entirely sure if the voucher code would function outside the Japanese version of the game; so it's probably best not to try. Still, have a look at the designs over at KonamiStyle. Maybe one day Konami will decide to bring stuff like this over Stateside.
