
Metareview -- Wii Music

We haven't had a lot of nice things to say about Wii Music, largely because, to this point, it's brought nothing but sadness into our lives. First there was Ravi Drums, then it made us watch Shiggy play the saxafaux, then there was that absolutely bizarre track list. Now, some major review hubs are weighing in on the game(?) and we're just as perplexed as ever.

  • 1UP (A-): "Wii Music may have a hard time winning over the skeptics who just want to laugh at it, but give the game the chance it deserves. You just might realize it's pretty damn fun being in on the joke."

  • Kombo (50/100): "Initially, there's an element of novelty to Wii Music. Admittedly, it's kind of fun to motion the controller as if you're playing a real instrument -- especially when playing with something like a violin, which simply feels good to play in the game -- but the enjoyment quickly dissipates."

  • Gamespy (70/100): "Now that we've spent a good deal of time with Wii Music ourselves, we're confident in saying the following: If you have young children, buy this game and enjoy it with them. ... However, it's very safe to say that gamers who prefer the likes of Rock Band, first-person shooters and Solid Snake's espionage antics will not care about Wii Music in the slightest."

  • GamePro (70/100): "Playing almost any instrument in the game requires a bit more practice than say, swinging a bat bowling a ball in Wii Sports, which mires the game in a muddy territory between pick-up-and-play casual and memorizing and practicing hardcore. When you're able to successfully balance the two and create wonderful music, Wii Music can provide an experience you've never felt before. Not in a music game, not in any other Wii game."