
Japanese hardware sales, Oct. 13 - Oct. 19: The Britening edition

As we're sure you, dearest readers, already know, Sony had a killer week in the hardware sales arena (the PS3's diminishing sales notwithstanding) thanks to the release of the scanlinetastic PSP-3000 (or, as it has been cleverly monikered, the PSP Brite). Observing this radical increase, along with the historic success of the identically illuminated (and phonetically similar) successor to the Nintendo DS, has inspired us to make some much needed changes to this humble weekly feature -- changes which have been incorporated into this very post.

Eagle-eyed readers have likely already noticed the liberal use of lens flares in the image above. According to our grandmother (whose recently acquired copy of Photoshop 7.0 and daunting techno savvy have made her the queen bee of the Quivering Oaks Retirement Community) the more lens flares you can fit into a single image, "the more gentleman suitors will ask for your company to the Sunday night ether frolic." We're not exactly sure what she meant by that, but we're fairly certain it's a good thing.

More subtle than the flare-filled image above is the surreptitious shift in the color of the text you're currently reading, from a stark #000000, to a whimsical #000001. You may not have noticed this particular change -- but we assure you, your subconscious has. That tingling feeling currently coursing through your brain? That's the sort of pleasure one can only glean from the kind of luminescence exhibited here. Then again, that may just be the sensation of cataracts developing on your eyeballs -- a side-effect to the aforementioned changes which we discovered in beta and, admittedly, should have warned you about.

- PSP: 159,816

135,915 (568.66%)
- DS Lite: 29,839

2,075 (6.50%)
- Wii: 26,024

3,147 (13.76%)
- Xbox 360: 7,856

93 (1.20%)
- PS2: 7,261

279 (4.00%)
- PS3: 4,725

1,009 (17.60%)

[Source: Media Create]

See: The archives, if seeing is still a possibility