
THQ vs. Activision in a legal Baja boxart battle

One of this week's releases might have flown under the radar, if not for the fact that the publisher is being sued over the boxart. It may not even end up being one of this week's releases! THQ has filed suit against Activision, claiming that the boxart for Activision's PS3/360/Wii SCORE International Baja 1000 infringes upon THQ's copyright, in that it looks too similar to THQ's PS3/360 Baja Edge of Control.

According to THQ, both the front and the back of the boxart are "virtually identical," but we think THQ's seeing patterns where there are none. Sure, both games feature red trucks displayed in a distorted perspective with their right front tires coming into the camera kicking up rocks while the passenger holds on to a bar on the front with his right hand; and both feature blue and white trucks behind them and to their left, descending from a jump; and both feature cacti on the right side in roughly the same position; and they both just happen to have yellow-on-black distressed "Baja" logos tilted up ten degrees. But that's all.

Through this lawsuit, THQ hopes to delay the release of Activision's game until they can produce some different artwork.

[Via Gamasutra]