
Massively's guide to Halloween 2008 in MMOs

Halloween, an ancient Gaelic festival that once marked the Celtic New Year, has been exported by popular culture and immigration to a number of countries, particularly finding a home in North America. The United States, Canada, Ireland, Puerto Rico, the Netherlands, Mexico, Romania and Japan all celebrate Halloween in some way, while in other most countries the occasion is usually only marked by syndicated television specials, and the occasional movie marathon.

Halloween, though, is alive and well online in virtual environments and MMOGs. World of Warcraft, City of Heroes/Villains, Mabinogi, Guild Wars and more all have Halloween events running; And as for Linden Lab's Second Life, it's always like Halloween there -- but it ascends to something of a fever pitch in the last weeks of October.

Join us for a whirlwind tour of just some of the juicy Halloween season events going on at your favorite games and hangouts.

This is Halloween >>
