
Harmonix talks the game that is not Rock Band: Beatles

First of all, don't call it Rock Band: Beatles. Harmonix's John Drake and Dan Teasdale don't like it. No, in fact, this is a completely separate game. How do we know? We've read the latest interview where Teasdale and Drake talk about the upcoming game.

While they don't specifically say it will be on Wii, they do mention the game coming to multiple consoles and, let's face it, ignoring the Wii's base is foolish. They've been working on the game for 17 months before it was even confirmed as real, so they've had plenty of time to work on all versions of the game. But, considering the company's inability to take the console seriously in the past, should we even expect the game to release on the Wii? Or would we get another gimped port?

Sadly, a great deal of the interview talks about Rock Band 2, so we don't really have much more to go on concerning this upcoming Beatles-based music game. They did say that the game would be encompassing the entire Beatles catalog, so that's something!