
No More Heroes 2 localization may be Ubisoft's struggle

No More Heroes was without a publisher in the US until Ubisoft picked it up, since Japanese publisher Marvelous Entertainment didn't have an American branch at the time. Since then, they've made a multi-game agreement with XSEED, and thus we assumed that company would handle the distribution of No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle when that title is released stateside in early 2010.

According to secret sources in contact with IGN, the Marvelous/XSEED partnership may not extend to Desperate Struggle after all -- Ubisoft is "in negotiations" to distribute the new game. It doesn't actually matter who localizes the game in terms of content, if the new game's anything like the original, whose voice work was already in English. But Ubisoft is probably capable of getting more copies into more stores, so we approve of this potential arrangement.