
One Shots: Careful where you step

In just a little over three days, the continent of Northrend will open up for excited World of Warcraft players, with new races, new monsters, and new places to go. One such place is the new instance, Utgarde Keep, which contains content for 70's and 80's. Of course, the only real problem for newcomers to this frozen land is getting there without getting chewed up and spit out first. Today's friendly One Shots reminder of that comes to us courtesy of Deadend, who snapped this picture of a Storm Giant and a bunch of Shoveltusks that will be waiting to gang up on characters. Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate for those who think they'll charge straight to Utgarde without any fighting at all. (Unless, of course, your server is insanely heavily populated, everyone's destroyed everything in the zone by the time you've logged in and your option is standing around waiting on repops.)

We know there have to be some people out there who were in the Wrath beta, so we're sending out a call to you today! You've got screenshots, and we want them. Bundle those up and email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name and a quick description. After all, once the game releases, those beta shots will be just like everyone else's -- send them while they're still fairly unique!